
Prabhupada MP3 Library USB Stick


Improved form avaiable at: CLICK HERE Improved rendition has enormously improved sound quality and more than twofold the quantity of long periods of Prabhupada Audio than this item does.

Prabhupada Audio on USB sitck thumb drive. Contains more than 1400 hours in excess of 2500 MP3 chronicles of excellent sound. All carefully upgraded. Significantly improved sound quality. Extraordinarily Improved ID3 labels. New alternative to tune in by date request. Recorded at 128 Kb/sec

Author: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Format: 64 GB USB Stick

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SKU: MM121 Category:


Improved rendition has enormously improved sound quality and more than twofold the quantity of long periods of Prabhupada Audio than this item does.

Prabhupada Audio on USB sitck thumb drive. Contains more than 1400 hours in excess of 2500 MP3 chronicles of excellent sound. All carefully upgraded. Significantly improved sound quality. Extraordinarily Improved ID3 labels. New alternative to tune in by date request. Recorded at 128 Kb/sec

Author: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Format: 64 GB USB Stick


64 GB USB STICK with over 1,200 hours of Prabhupada’s talks, classes, morning strolls, room discussions, and conversations.

This Prabhupada Ultimate Audio Collection contains all of Srila Prabhupada’s talks, discussions and bhajans and kirtans introduced without precedent for 128 Kb/sec great MP3 records on a 64 GB USB Stick/Thumb Drive.

The assortment incorporates 2,233 MP3 chronicles with an absolute playing season of more than 1,200 hours!

This significantly better arrival of the Prabhupada MP3 Audio Library, carefully restored, gives a critical improvement in sound quality. You will hear Srila Prabhupada more plainly than any other time. All MP3 documents have additionally been carefully upgraded to eliminate static and improve sound quality. These are the best quality sound accounts of Srila Prabhupada ever.

Enhancements include:

Incredibly improved sound quality contrasted with the past Prabhupada MP3 sets. The sound is currently as great as possible conceivable be. The sound is currently better compared to the first tapes because of cutting edge computerized commotion decrease.

Recently improved computerized remastering has eliminated the tape murmur and other commotion better than on the past MP3 set.

ID3 Tags have been improved empowering playing Prabhupada’s talks in either date request or by refrain request. In addition they have been opimized for all players and PCs including iPad, iPhone, iPod and Android gadgets. Likewise every MP3 record currently has an exceptionally decent suitable photograph of Srila Prabhupada as the ‘Cover Art’.

Simple to discover classes, morning strolls, and so forth: All classes are recorded along with, for instance, all Bhagavad-gita classes together arranged by section number. Additionally the entire morning strolls are recorded together. Numerous enthusiasts like to tune in to the morning strolls however beforehand this was troublesome as they were stirred up with all the other things on other MP3 sets and the first tapes. With this set all the morning strolls are recorded along with the depiction, date and area unmistakably recorded in the document name. One basically needs to tap on the record name to play. So it is not difficult to track down and play what you are searching for both on a PC or a versatile MP3 player.

Full ID3 File Information: For simple playing access. Just snap on the ideal title and the ideal sound will begin playing. Utilizing the improved MP3 labels you can without much of a stretch make playlists empowering you to tune in to anything you need to from the Prabhupada Audio Library in any request that you want to hear it in.

Substance incorporate Srila Prabhupada’s:

Bhagavad Gita Classes

Celebration Lectures

General Lectures

Hindi Classes and Conversations

Meetings and Press Conferences

Sri Isopanisad Classes

Krishna Book Dictation

Morning Walk Conversations

Appearance Addresses

Public Addresses

Sri Caitanya Caritamrita Classes

Excellent Bonus Lectures

Nectar of Devotion Classes

Room Conversations

Srimad Bhagavatam


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